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অফিস প্রধান এর পরিচিতি

অধ্যাপক মোঃ কাবির-উল হাসান


উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষক প্রশিক্ষণ ইনস্টিটিউট, ময়মনসিংহ।

মোবাইল : 01715239542

ফোন (অফিস) : 02997710473

ইমেইল : mymensinghhstti@gmail.com

ফ্যাক্স :

ব্যাচ (বিসিএস) : 14 sub: Bangla

ID: 2597

বর্তমান কর্মস্থলে যোগদানের তারিখ : 2022-03-15


Message from Director


Effective teachers learning and Professional development is important for student achievement in higher secondary level. Teachers learning is a continuous process that promote teachers teaching skill. New knowledge develop, new proficiency, which in turn  help improve student learning. Teachers education programms offer teachers new ways to keep their class room perfomance and curriculum, fresh, existing and highly educational training programme. HSTTI Mymensingh always try to give best service for the teaching quality improvement. Hereby we are dedicated and sincerely accomplished our duty for the training programmme. HSTTI Mymensingh has been play a vital role improving quality training in higher secondary level as well as administrative training for secondary education. We are hopeful that we are able to provide sincerely the service.


Professor Md. Kabir-Ul Hasan


HSTTI, Mymensingh.